Site icon Beehive CX and Insight Agency

Rebranding & marketing messaging research case study

The challenge - to evaluate rebranding and marketing messaging

We were asked to help understand a company rebranding including new straplines, logo and key message statements that would be used in communication and marketing deliverables.


The solution

We devised a multiphase programme, to understand the ‘why’, and then quantify the ‘what’:

  1. Qualitative in-depth face-to-face focus groups to understand initial reactions and options on the brand identity, values, and new concepts
  2. Quantitative online survey based upon the findings of the qualitative study, to quantify and provide robust data for decision making
  3. Qualitative in-depth face-to-face focus to refine the revised concepts
"Thank you so much, happy with everything! This has certainly Informed the decisions around rebranding strategy, and marketing communication messaging"
Group Marketing Executive

The outcome

Outputs and insight from each phase were used to informed the subsequent research phase, thus enabling a more agile development of concepts and brand assets. The insight provided clear evidence of the perceived brand values, what inspired customers, and what put them off enabling informed decisions around rebranding strategy, and marketing communication messaging.

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